The last four decades have ushered in an era ripe with chemicals that cling to our food, mix with our water, and permeate our air. The thyroid glands of millions have suffered the ill effects of the chemical bombardment.

How the healthy thyroid has been damaged:

Thyroid problems in women who are of childbearing or middle age are on the rise. The journal, Thyroid, reports that about 45% of people over 50 have inflamed thyroids, an indication of thyroid imbalance. One or more of the following chemicals or deficiencies may cause thyroid damage:

·   Extreme stress and cortisol production in the body

·   Deficient amounts of selenium

·   Too little protein intake, excess sugar intake

·   Chronic illness

·   Diminished liver or kidney function

·   Toxic levels of cadmium, mercury, or lead

·   Exposure to herbicides and pesticides

·   Ingestion of oral contraceptives or excessive production of estrogen

The results of thyroid imbalance are often bouts with mental distress, including depression, anxiety, mental fog and memory problems.

Types of Thyroid Imbalance

The two most prevalent types of thyroid imbalance are hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.

·       Hyperthyroidism, is an overactive thyroid. Too much hormone is being produce and speeding the body’s functions. Patients with this condition will feel jittery, anxious, irritable, and overheated, losing weight despite feeling hungry.

·       Hypothyroidism is an underactive thyroid. Too little hormone is being produced. Patients affected by this condition will experience exhaustion, brain fog, feel cold, and experience weight gain.

Regaining Thyroid Balance

If you suspect you may have a thyroid problem, you must insist on several key blood tests. Each test is important. One or two won’t do. Inform your doctor or independent lab that you would like the TSH, free T3, free T4, thyroid antibodies, liver function, and ferritin level tests.

If you take medications, make sure your doctor is closely monitoring and treating you. Medications are only part of your treatment plan. Your physician should monitor levels regularly and encourage natural solutions like dietary supplements including chromium, rosemary, B vitamins, and seaweed.