Black beans are commonly found in many countries. According to the World’s Healthiest Foods, research is finding that black beans have more healthy properties than we initially thought.  These include helping the digestive tract, providing nutrients, controlling blood sugar, and aiding in cardiovascular health.

Belonging to the legume family, black beans originated in Central and South America and found their way to Europe thanks to the Spanish. They are a popular food in many countries, including Mexico, Brazil, Guatemala, Cuba, and the Dominican Republic.  

Black beans contain a high level of several nutrients, including:

  • Molybdenum
  • Folate
  • Fiber
  • Copper
  • Manganese
  • Phosphorus
  • Magnesium
  • Protein
  • Iron

The beans can be helpful in several ways for maintaining health. The fiber and protein found in black beans helps stabilize the digestive tract by moving through the system at a moderate pace. Black beans have butyric acid, which supports colon health and aides in the prevention of colon cancer.

The combination of fiber and protein is also helpful in regulating blood sugar. The pace of movement through the digestive system allows the body to absorb nutrients at a steady rate. This prevents blood sugar spikes, which can occur when the body is absorbing sugar from carbohydrates. This can also have an impact on type-2 diabetes.

The high amount of fiber in black beans has an impact on preventing heart disease. In addition, black beans have phytonutrients that have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.  These are the same compounds found in fruits and vegetables with bright colors

To cook black beans, first spread them out on a clean surface to sort out any dirt, small stones, and bad beans. Then wash the beans and soak for three hours.  Interestingly, the leftover water from soaking may contain some of the nutrients. If you prefer to eat canned beans feel free, as there is little nutritional loss from the canning process, compared with vegetables.

Want to learn more about black beans? Read the full article here:  Black Beans.