Do you struggle with eczema? It turns out that reviewing your diet and making some key changes can help control this skin condition.

There are many things that can exacerbate eczema. These range from soaps, make-up and cosmetic products, pollen, even dust mite. However, eating the wrong foods can also cause outbreaks to occur.

If you suspect that a particular kind of food is making your eczema worse, the best way to confirm your suspicions is through an elimination diet. Take three or four weeks off. GOo without the suspected food to confirm whether or not it causes a problem. After four weeks or so, begin consuming the same food again. If your symptoms return you have identified your trigger food.

Foods that are often associated with making eczema worse include:

  • Tomatoes
  • Fish
  • Dairy products
  • Eggs
  • Soy and soy products
  • Citrus
  • Foods containing gluten

Additionally, for some people, preservatives and artificial food coloring also affect their eczema. Confirm if this is the case for you through an elimination diet. If you are sensitive, try switching to organic fruits and veggies as well as foods that do not have any preservatives in them.

Be aware too, how you prepare your meals. Consider wearing gloves as juices from food products can be a skin irritant. Also, use utensils to reduce skin contact vs. eating with your hands.

Even if you eliminate certain foods from your diet you can still get the nutrients you need through supplementation. Also, some supplements can help with eczema symptoms. For example:

  • Zinc
  • Selenium
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin E
  • Evening primrose oil.
  • Probiotics
  • Borage seed oil.

Also, consider drinking oolong tea. This tea has antioxidants and can help reduce symptoms of eczema such as itching.Want to learn more about how your diet can have an impact on eczema? Read the full article here:  Diet Tips for Managing Eczema.